Try before you buy
Pathomation offers a platform for all your digital microscopy needs. The different components of this platform can be tested through this sandbox portal.
All of our software is password protected. If you were not issued login credentials by your Pathomation representative, you can use any of the following:
- account: ‘user1’ – password: ‘Pathomation’
- account: ‘user2’ – password: ‘Pathomation’
- account: ‘user3’ – password: ‘Pathomation’
- account: ‘user4’ – password: ‘Pathomation’
- account: ‘user5’ – password: ‘Pathomation’
If you want to try out a specific use case: we love talking to you about various scenarios for digital pathology and how our platform can fit in.
Contact us for a dedicated trial sandbox todayVersion 2
The following components are currently available:
PMA.view 2.0: A universal powerful viewer, now with powerful grid layout options
We’re in the process of finalizing the other components of our 2.0 platform. You can gain early access to these via our beta program.
Version 1
Version 1 of our platform was GAMP5 validated and has been used to host tens of thousands of slides now across the globe. It consists of the following components:
PMA.view 1.2: A universal server-centric viewer, which also allows for annotations and data capture for synoptic reporting
PMA.core 1.2: A universal whole slide imaging and tile server
VUB mobile histology and pathology: An app that showcases the mobile capabilities of our software