What is My Pathomation?

My Pathomation is a cloud based platform for storing, sharing and annotating images for all scanner file formats. 
It comes with advanced features including:

live presentations  |  slide collections  |  course & exam building

Scanned microscopy images come in many formats. These large images also need to be shared with many people.
For individuals looking to access and annotate their slide collection anytime, anywhere and from any device – setting up a personal account on My Pathomation is for you.
Whether you’re a teacher sharing virtual slide collections with your students, or a researcher discussing images with international collaborators, setting up an Organisation on My Pathomation can help you

How Does My Pathomation Work?


an individual or organisation account


your digital pathology slides from your drives to the My Pathomation cloud


slides, slide collections and slide-based content with others privately or publicly


at your own pace in online courses and exams for students that have text instructions and interactive digital pathology slides


with live digital slide microscopy in courses, quizzes, and PowerPoint presentations

Why My Pathomation?

Universal image viewing

With My Pathomation you have one digital microscope that can open all scanners image formats. There is no need to have multiple viewer software packages to open different types of scanner image formats. My Pathomation works entirely via your internet browser and has the added convenience not to require local software installations. Even complex image file formats with Z-stacks or fluorescent images are possible.


  • 3DHistech MRXS
  • Aperio / Leica CWS
  • Aperio LEICA SCN
  • Aperio LEICA SVS
  • GE Omnyx / Inspirata RTS
  • GE Omnyx JP2
  • Generic JPG
  • Generic PNG
  • Generic TIFF
  • Hamamatsu NDPI
  • Hamamatsu VMS
  • Huron Technologies TIFF
  • JPEG 2000 encoded slides
  • Jpeg XR JXR
  • KFBio KFB
  • Menarini DSight Raw INI
  • Microsoft Deep Zoom .DZI
  • Motic MDS
  • Motic MDSX
  • Nikon ND2
  • Philips iSyntax
  • Philips TIFF
  • Olympus VSI
  • Olympus Webview
  • Open Microscopy OME-TIFF
  • Objective Imaging (Glissando)
  • Omero ZARR
  • Sakura SVSLIDE
  • Smartzoom SZI
  • Unic Tech TMAP
  • Ventana Roche BIF
  • (with and without TIFP)
  • Zeiss ZVI
  • Zeiss CZI
  • Zoomify ZIF
  • 3DHistech MRXS
  • Aperio AFI
  • Aperio LEICA SCN
  • Aperio LEICA SVS
  • Hamamatsu NDPIS
  • Nikon ND2
  • Nikon TIFF
  • Leica LIF
  • Olympus OIR
  • Olympus VSI
  • Open Microscopy OME-TIFF
  • Perkin Elmer QPTIFF
  • Zeiss CZI
  • Zeiss LSM
  • Zeiss ZVI
  • 3DHistech MRXS
  • Aperio LEICA SVS
  • Aperio LEICA SCN
  • Hamamatsu NDPIS
  • Huron Technologies TIFF
  • Leica LIF
  • Nikon ND2
  • Objective Imaging (Glissando)
  • Open Microscopy OME-TIFF
  • Olympus OIR
  • Olympus VSI
  • Sakura SVSLIDE
  • Zeiss ZVI
  • Zeiss LSM
  • Zeiss CZI




Virtual slide collections in the cloud

Where ever your slides come from, whatever format they are in or where ever your audience resides My Pathomation is the place where all your needs are served. You can upload slides in a drag and drop style to your My Pathomation account. With PMA.start you can connect the My Pathomation cloud storage directly to your local drives and you can manage complex uploads and folder creation at the same time.


Once you have uploaded your slides we have foreseen that you can organise them in different ways to match the logic of your application. You can opt for a folder structure, add patient cases, build collections or design a teaching course. Finally you can add name tags to slides that allow easy searching and organising for large data sets.

Slide organisation is built around:

  • My Slides – all your slides are here, the view is a classical collapsible file/folder tree, you can group slides in cases
  • My Collections – the slides that are part of a collection are here, slides can belong to multiple collections, cases can be part of a collection, the view is of images grouped per case/collection
  • My Slideboxes – this is a collection of collections
  • My Courses – this is a set of slides or cases you want to use for teaching, you can build a syllabus containing text and slides for student self-paced learning

If you decide one of your collections has scientific or educational value and would benefit the other My Pathomation users you can grant public access to this collection. Similarly you as a user can browse in the public repository for interesting collections and re-use slides to complete your own content.




Sharing and presenting images

A picture says more than 1000 words. But microscopy pictures are huge and difficult to share. Through the My Pathomation platform, you have different options to overcome this difficulty. There is a solution for each situation to allow others to access the images you want to share.


During video conferences or classroom teaching My Pathomation functions like a virtual microscope and your audience can see how you navigate in the images. Whole slide images can be annotated with arrows, text, boxes etc. for efficient and fast navigation.


You can easily create hyperlinks that you can share with colleagues via e-mail or in a chat. Or generate a QR code during a conference presentation as a convenient way for the audience to scan and open the exact same image on their smartphones or tablets.


When people open the image, they will see exactly the same region of interest (ROI) that you are looking at, with the added convenience of still being able to explore the remainder of the virtual slide, too.




Digital pathology user groups

With your pathomation account you can simply work on your own or house the images for your Organisation. You can add other users that belong to your organisation and even create multiple groups.

My Pathomation comes with a set of different user types and rights that reflect the roles you need to run an efficient collaborative project or teach to students. You can define a Manager that will be the administrator of the organisation and has all possible rights. The Editor role is centred on people that work with the actual images and have to develop image content, collaborate with others, present images at conferences or teach students. In contrast a Member is a passive role that can only access images and content without modifying it, typically his will be a student.

Managers and Editors are in charge of adding Members and deciding which content they can see. You can easily create groups and manage to which content the members in the group have access. Adding members can be done by sending a simple e-mail invitation to the people you want to add.




Embedding of images in other content

You can embed the images stored in the My Pathomation cloud in other online solutions and use the universal microscope viewing capacity of My Pathomation.

If your Academic institution uses e-learning platforms like Moodle or Canvas image editing with My Pathomation is built in the software thanks to the ‘Pathomation’ plugin.

Custom website design with WordPress is another application for which we have a plugin. You can learn more about plugins here.




Available Plans


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